Continuing Education

As part of STM’s mission to serve the community and the Church, our Continuing Education programs provide access to world-class theological and pastoral scholarship, online and on campus, for ministers and others who seek to deepen their engagement with the Catholic faith. 

Programs & Events

STM Online: Crossroads

Crossroads offers non-credit online courses and certificates for adult spiritual enrichment and faith formation.

Professional Development Programs

Participate in contemporary theological discussions on campus or online. We offer lectures, ministry renewal days, and event series on a recurring theme. 


Encore is a free, curated collection of digital resources on a range of topics, including videos and presentations. 

Formación Continua

Interdisciplinarios e interculturales, estos cursos, ofrecidos completamente en español, ayudan a los hispanohablantes a profundizar su crecimiento como cristianos. Las opciones en el campus y en línea promueven el enriquecimiento mutuo y el bien común.

  • Cursos
  • Programas de formacíon
  • Formación Continua digital


Individual Events & Webinars

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